Types of goods for transportation and the use of various freight trains.

El Logistics group Tared-Packaged goods
This category includes nomenclatures of goods for transportation of which are used tare and packaging. And as they should not be exposed to atmospheric influences, in particular- precipitation, transportation is carried out using covered wagons.

El Logistics group Liquid bulk cargoes
Since such cargoes do not have their own tare/packaging, liquid bulk cargoes are delivered by tanks. A special tank container for liquid bulk cargo is used to transport by rail not only various types of bulk products, but also hazardous liquid substances and gas under pressure. Moreover, for example, gas tanks (tank containers for gas) are used only for these purposes. Accordingly, storage is also carried out in special tanks.

El Logistics group Bulk cargo
When transporting bulk cargo, there is no need to worry about climate changes, as with tared-packaged cargo. However, this is not their main distinctive feature. When loading bulk cargoes, no accounting of places is made. That is, they are transported in bulk using halfwagons and freight platforms for this.

El Logistics group Bulk cargoes
Bulk cargo types include the types of cargo transported by bulk, i.e. . These types include grain, mineral fertilizers and cement. However, unlike bulk, they are adversely affected by precipitation. For transportation are used wagons for bulk cargo, which is a hopper wagon (grain carrier) or a covered wagon.

El Logistics group Types of transportations
Intermodal, also known as non-reloading transportation. For example, when liquid bulk cargoes are moved in a tank container for export or import. Their main feature is that at the transshipment point, goods with cargo capacity(?), are moved from one type of transport to another
Multimodal transportation, that is transshipment, is used for international transportations with transshipment of wagon lots at railway stations.

EL LOGISTICS GROUP company also offers you to use the terminal forwarding service at the goods’ arrival and departure stations.
The type of goods
And yet, its characteristics, including gross weight and special properties, are of great importance. This also includes the classification of goods according to the level of danger.
Number and type of rolling stock wagons required for transportation (platforms, halfwagons, covered wagons, cisterns). The rules of product packaging should also be considered.
The itinerary, i.e, from which and to which country the movement is carried out, the presence of transshipment points. Of course, all of this is calculated, complying with transportation rules.
Delivery time and, as a result, the speed of the train. If high speed is required, it leads to a rise in price.
By carrying out international rail transportation, EL LOGISTICS GROUP guarantees you both the security of the transaction and the quality of services at a reasonable cost.